How To Tell When The Windows Should Be
Replaced In Your Burlington, MA Home
Are Your Windows Failing To Perform At Their Best?
When it comes to your Burlington, MA, home, having sturdy and reliable windows is key to ensuring you and your family have the comfort you deserve. Dependable windows keep your home at the temperature you want and can also save you money on utility bills.
So, when your old windows start failing to deliver optimum performance, it’s time to invest in replacement windows you can count on.
It can be tricky to notice these signs at first, but with a bit of knowledge, you can pinpoint exactly when to replace them. Once you’ve identified an issue, it’s vital to begin the replacement process before they worsen. Here are some tale-tell signs to look out for.
1. Normal Wear And Tear Damage
It’s hard to swallow, but windows don’t last forever, especially if they’re the original windows from when contractors built your home. After years of use, many windows start to fail just from normal wear and tear damage.
You might start to notice decay around your window frame, either from termites or other years of weather element exposure. Once a window frame starts to decay and the interior is exposed to moisture, the frame deteriorates quickly.
If this problem is not addressed quickly, it can lead to even more trouble down the road and cost homeowners a lot of money. Frame deterioration can soon lead to leaking windows, moisture build-up, and mold growth, so it’s essential to address this issue promptly.
2. Condensation Build-Up
Another sure sign your windows need replacing is noticing condensation between the two panes of glass. Condensation outside or inside your window isn’t always cause for alarm, but it’s not a good sign if you see condensation between the two panes.
If you do see this, it’s a sign that your window seals have broken down, and you should replace your windows sooner than later. Unfortunately, this happens when the outside temperature fluctuates, expanding and contracting the glass in your window.
Most window seals or frames are made of metal that doesn’t adjust with the glass, causing the seal to break down over time. When the seal fails, moisture seeps in, causing condensation. In this event, a total window replacement is usually necessary to solve the issue.
3. Your Energy Bills Grow Higher Than Normal
Your failing windows could be the culprit when you notice higher energy or utility bills. Inspecting your windows for any drafts, light leakage, or broken seals can lead you to the probable cause of leaking energy.
Another good way to check if your windows aren’t doing their job of insulating your home is by touching the glass. If the glass is colder than the rest of the house on a cold day, your furnace works overtime to compensate for poor interior protection.
Failing windows will be cold in the winter and hot in the summer, meaning you’re losing a lot of money in heating and cooling bills, and you’re wasting precious environmental resources. When this happens, it’s an excellent time to consider replacing your windows.
4. Windows Are Painted Shut Or Are Inoperable
Some windows that have been painted shut can become usable again by just taking a knife or screwdriver to separate the paint from the window frame. However, some older painted window frames have so many layers that they can’t be pried open without risking the glass.
When this occurs, your window becomes inoperable and fails to function as a good window should. Windows should be more than openings that let light in – they should be able to open to let in the fresh air. Not to mention, a completely sealed window is a fire hazard and a safety issue.
Newer windows can open in many different convenient ways than they used to, allowing your home to breathe and air out. Fresh air in your home is always good as it’ll keep your family healthier and happier.
5. Outside Noises Become More Audible
Not all windows are soundproof, but if you hear excessive exterior noise, like traffic or talking, grow louder, there might be a problem with your window panes. And don’t forget: single-pane windows are more likely to let noise into your home.
Nobody wants to live in a home filled with extra noise, so if you experience this, it might be time to replace your windows. New window designs are made to absorb sound, stopping it before it can enter your home.
Investing in high-quality windows can give you and your family peace and quiet. Coming home from a hard day should be relaxing and comfortable, not stressful and loud.
When You Notice These Signs, Replace Your Windows
With A Trusted Burlington, MA Company
At Solid State Construction, we want to help you choose the perfect window replacements for your Burlington, MA, home. We only offer windows we trust, letting you choose between fiberglass, wood, and vinyl windows!
By using Marvin Elevate Fiberglass and ProVia wood and vinyl windows, we feel confident our products can stand the test of time. Our superior products are energy efficient, save money, and come in many different styles. You’ll be sure to find one perfect for your home!
Our trusted construction company has been installing windows since 2006, so give us a call today to book a free consultation!