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Remodeling & Coronavirus In Central MA: What Should You Do?

You May Feel Apprehensive About Having A Contractor In Your Home At This Time. But We’re Using Innovative Technology & Processes To Minimize Risk & Keep You Safe. BY ERIKA BARNISH, CFO If you’ve considered remodeling your Central MA home recently, you probably think coronavirus (COVID-19) has spoiled your plans. Not necessarily! While you may be apprehensive...

Why Most Central MA Roofers Mess Up Attic Ventilation

Proper Attic Ventilation Is A Delicate Balancing Act Between Intake & Exhaust Ventilation. Unfortunately, Many Roofers Won’t Take The Time To Assess Determine Your Home’s Specific Needs. BY JEFF BROOKS, FOUNDER When it comes to roof replacement in Central MA, attic ventilation typically gets the short end of the stick. Most roofers either do it wrong… or...